QCT unveiled its 5G Open Lab in late December 2021. Built in collaboration with Intel, this lab enables QCT to carry out 5G network integration and verifications with their open ecosystem, leveraging its own enterprise private network equipment to accelerate the development of local 5G solutions.
Quanta Cloud Technology (QCT) is a global data center solution provider. We combine the efficiency of hyperscale hardware with infrastructure software from a diversity of industry leaders to solve next-generation data center design and operation challenges. QCT serves cloud service providers, telecoms and enterprises running public, hybrid and private clouds.
Product lines include hyperconverged and software-defined data center solutions as well as servers, storage, switches and integrated racks with a diverse ecosystem of hardware components and software partners. QCT designs, manufactures, integrates and services cutting-edge offerings via its own global network. The parent of QCT is Quanta Computer, Inc.
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